A Sunstone crystal tumble stone.
Sunstone like other members of the Feldspar family such as Moonstone, Labradorite and Golden Feldspar has a beautiful glowing light effect or luminescence often referred to as a ‘flash’.
The stone you see in the photographs is the one you will receive.
Tumble stones are an ideal size to hold during meditation or to be used as pocket stones. Carry them in your bag or pocket or place them under your pillow.
Size and Weight.
This stone is 2.8cm long and 1.8cm wide and weighs 16.9g.
Sunstone in Crystal Healing.
Sunstone has traditionally been considered a lucky stone. It is a stone of 'joy' that lifts and revitalises.
It helps to see the bright side and lifts mood.
It is considered an ideal stone for those struggling with life.
It encourages optimism, enthusiasm and independence. Sunstone is a stone for moving onwards and upwards!