A rare natural piece of Pollucite crystal.
Pollucite is one of the Zeolite minerals and was named for Pollux, the immortal son of Zeus in Greek and Roman mythology and the twin of mortal Castor as it is often found with Petalite which was previously known as Castorite. The two stones work very well together especially for angel contact and ascension work.
This Pollucite is from Pakistan.
The piece you see in the photographs is the one you will receive. The acrylic stand is not included.
Size and Weight.
This piece is 4.3cm long and 2.3cm wide and weighs 19.0g.
Pollucite in Crystal Healing.
Pollucite is a stone of regeneration and a stone often used in Reiki as it stimulates a rapid deep response to healing energies.
Pollucite is an ideal stone for attunement, ascension work and angelic contact. It promotes harmony and togetherness and in spiritual lore it has the reputation of being a stone to bring all nations together in peace.
Pollucite makes a lovely combination stone to use with it's 'twin' Petalite for all metaphysical work.