A rare natural piece of Clear Petalite crystal.
Petalite which was previously known as Castorite is often found with Pollucite. The two were originally named for Pollux the immortal son of Zeus and his mortal twin Castor. The two stones work very well together especially for angel contact and ascension work.
This Clear Petalite is from Aracuai, Minas Gerias, Brazil.
The piece you see in the photographs is the one you will receive. The acrylic stand is not included.
These natural pieces are an ideal size to hold during meditation or to be used in healing spaces, grids or on altars. Carry them in your bag or pocket or place them under your pillow.
Size and Weight.
This piece is 2.2cm long and 1.6cm wide and weighs 4.9g.
Petalite in Crystal Healing.
Petalite is a stone of the 'new age' with a high, pure vibration. It is also called the Angel Stone or Stone of the Angels because it enhances angelic contact and opens the mind to cosmic consciousness.
Petalite energises and activates both internal energy centres and the outer environment.
Petalite is a shamanic stone ideal for vision quests and spirit contact and is highly protective when other world journeying. It enhances meditation and attunement.