A banded Onyx tumblestone from Pakistan.
Onyx like Agate is a variety of layered Chalcedony but whereas Agate has bands in concentric circles Onyx has parallel bands across the stone.
There are deposits of Onyx around the world each with it's own particular coloured stripes.
The stone you see in the photographs is the one you will receive.
Tumblestones are an ideal size to hold during meditation or to be used as pocket stones. Carry them in your bag or pocket or place them under your pillow.
Size and Weight.
This stone is 3.5cm long and 2.7cm wide and weighs 33g.
Onyx in Crystal Healing.
Onyx gives strength and provides support during difficult or confusing times. It promotes vigour, steadfastness and stamina, imparts self control and increases self confidence.
Onyx facilitates centering your energy and aligning it with a higher power to access higher guidance. It is considered an aid to seeing the future and is said to hold the memories of things that have happened around it.
It is a useful stone for past life work to heal old wounds and the effects of physical trauma that may still be affecting the present life and it can be used to heal old grief and sorrows.